I started getting the following when running terraform commands:

$ terraform refresh
Error refreshing state: 1 error(s) occurred:

* SignatureDoesNotMatch: Signature expired: 20170226T035111Z is now earlier than 20170227T013047Z (20170227T014547Z - 15 min.)
        status code: 403, request id: 7626f995-fc8e-11e6-9b73-7990b2a1af41

What does it mean? How to fix it?

Martin Atkins
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AXE Labs
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3 Answers3


The AWS APIs use an authentication mechanism that involves the client creating a signature representing the request. This signature includes a timestamp of the time the request is being made, as a measure to reduce the risk of replay attacks.

The signature mechanism assumes that the client and server both have somewhat-accurate system clocks, such that the client's time is not more than 15 minutes divergent from the server's.

So it's important that any system where AWS APIs are used -- whether via Terraform or otherwise -- has a reasonably accurate system clock. Virtual machines often suffer from system clock drift for various reasons, so it's a good idea to run ntpd on most virtual machines to prevent their system clocks from drifting too much.

Martin Atkins
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It turned out my virtual machine where terraform was installed was way out of sync with time. Using the date command and a current time resolved the issue.

AXE Labs
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  • You should know that setting the date once isn't a good solution. You should install ntpd, and configure it properly so your system time stays consistent in the long term. – EEAA Feb 27 '17 at 03:01
  • The affected RancherOS Vagrant (https://github.com/rancher/os-vagrant) has ntpd running. I'll try to figure out how to make it work properly with my VirtualBox and my physical machine going to sleep... – AXE Labs Feb 27 '17 at 07:00

In Ubuntu execute sudo chronyd -q to sync time