Is there any functionality available in azure out of the box to block access to a website or server from specific countries? In a larger project that I'm involved with, we have an Imperva WAF and Palo Alto firewall that provide geo-blocking support. However, the site in question is pretty small and couldn't support the added expense of these solutions.

Don Pratt
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3 Answers3


Azure websites don't have an geo filtering built in, however the Azure CDN provider does have geo filtering so that might be something to look at. Still an extra cost, but not as bad as a WAF.

Sam Cogan
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A lot of config but you could use IPSecurity in the web.config and just block the CIDRs of whatever regions you don't want connecting.


Get ranges and subnets from arin. Here is an example of APNIC (Asian Pacific)


  • That works as long as the `web.config` stays under 250KB. Then you have to change a registry key, which you can't do on Azure Websites. – nmit026 Dec 12 '17 at 07:58

No, there is no such in-built functionality at the moment.

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