
Our company has two web servers. Our main doman, domain.com is hosted offsite using a hosting provider (In this case, Netfirms). One of our subdomains, subdomain.domain.com is hosted onsite and is reached via a CNAME entry in the DNS records at domain.com. Our e-mail server is hosted at domain.com and therefore we can only create name@domain.com e-mail addresses. Our CRM system is hosted on subdomain.domain.com, and generates URL links based on subdomain.domain.com. This is useful for generating links in e-mails sent out to contacts, but it is unfortunately also generating cc e-mail addresses in the form name@subdomain.domain.com.


We do have a catchall email account setup at domain.com, but anything sent to subdomain.domain.com is not caught here. Is this because domain.com and subdomain.domain.com are at two separate IP addresses, and therefore anything sent to subdomain.domain.com looks for a mail server there instead of domain.com?

What can I do?

Do I need to setup a mail server @ subdomain.domain.com just to catch these? Is there someway to redirect mail traffic sent to subdomain.domain.com to domain.com?

Is this a good scneario for an MX entry in the DNS records? I'm a bit new to DNS records and how they work. HOST should be set to subdomain.domain.com, I imagine and POINTS_TO set to mx.somain.com, but what about Priority?


Current MX table at domain.com

Priority    HOST    POINTS_TO
30          @       mx.domain.com
30          @       mx.domain.com
30          *       mx.domain.com
30          @       mx.domain.com
30          *       mx.domain.com
30          *       mx.domain.com

The hosting provider uses Roundcube to handle mail.

  • What do you use to handle your email? – Michael Hampton Jan 06 '17 at 21:55
  • and have you created mx records for that sub-domain? perhaps your mail provider can simply catch those and map them to your existing tld account. – Aaron Jan 06 '17 at 21:56
  • @MichaelHampton: I just edited the question to include using MX records. – Sirach Matthews Jan 06 '17 at 22:04
  • 1
    You haven't answered my question. – Michael Hampton Jan 06 '17 at 22:05
  • @MichaelHampton That's not important. MX for subdomain should point to host where domain's MTA live. MTA should have subdomain in the local-domains-list. Subdomain should have proper SPF records to allow submission from both domain/MTA and subdomain hosts. Any actual MTA is suitable for that. – Kondybas Jan 06 '17 at 22:55
  • @Kondybas Any actual MTA is suitable for that, but the actual MTA has to be configured for it! Which will be his next question. – Michael Hampton Jan 06 '17 at 23:00

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