What is the easiest way to give PC2 access to the Internet through PC1 in the setup below:
PC2 [ dhcp client]
eth0 []
PC1 [runns dhcpd on subnet]
wlan0 [ dhcp client]
Router with nat []
Background: PC2 is a headless computer with no wifi running a dhcp client. PC1 is my regular laptop connecting through wifi to a cable modem. I would like to configure PC2 (eg. sshing in to it and pull stuff from the Internet) using PC1.
Since it's a wifi and an eth0 they can't be bridged using brctl
I found this "Bridging wlan0 to eth0" method of doing it with iptables, where iptables is used to do nat on PC1. But is it necessary? The and are different so do they need to be nat:ed?
Is it possible to use route
somehow on PC1 to route between the subnets?