I have a server with a "standalone" minion installed and configured. I've been able to make lots of changes to my server with salt but I can't figure out how to configure my ssh server.

Here's what I currently have:

$ cat sshd.sls 
  - openssh

  Port: 1234

I have also downloaded the openssh formula into my /srv/formulas directory and updated my file_roots in my /etc/salt/minion dir:

    - /srv/salt
    - /srv/formulas/openssh-formula

And finally I have the following in my top.sls file:

    - users
    - sshd

Then I get this when I apply my state:

$ sudo salt-call state.apply --local
    Data failed to compile:
    State 'sshd_config' in SLS 'sshd' is not formed as a list

I've looked at the documentation for the openssh formula but I don't see how I'm misusing the API. What am I missing?

Tom Purl
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    I'm guessing it wants the `-` in `- Port: 1234` – DerfK Jan 04 '17 at 22:51
  • The error indicates that this bit of YAML in `sshd_config` is being interpreted as a Salt state, not as a Salt pillar. You need to add that setting to a file in one of the `pillar_roots` directories, not in the `file_roots` directories. – Josip Rodin Apr 09 '17 at 19:44

1 Answers1


The openssh formula support additional configuration and customization through Pillar.

In you configured your Pillar to use /srv/pillar, you can create a simple /srv/pillar/top.sls file with the following contents:

    - sshd

This top file associates the sshd.sls file to all minions. Now the /srv/pillar/sshd.sls file needs to be populated:

  Port: 1234

Examples of all available options can be found in a file named pillar.example in the root directory of openssh formula repository.

There is no need for creating a custom sshd state if you use the openssh formula. Your /srv/salt/top.sls should look similar to this:

    - users
    - openssh
Roald Nefs
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