Is there a script (PHP?) that I can install (via FTP) and run that will give me a listing of the files that are modified AFTER a particular date on the entire domain?

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2 Answers2


It's been years since I've last touched PHP, but if I recall correctly you can call an external (shell) command from it, and suck in the results. Under that assumption, if the server you're dealing with is a Unix/Linux box, you could call out to the 'find' command and let it do the work.

The basic syntax would be: find /your/web/root/here/ -mtime -5 -print if you wanted a list of all files modified in the last 5 days.

Just write a PHP wrapper around that command (modified as needed) to run it and display the results on a page for you. I think that should do the trick.

Christopher Cashell
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I also suggest to use a PHP wrapper and this basic shellscript:

# find all files newer then "2012-10-31 12:09"    
touch -d "2012-10-31 12:09" /tmp/reference
find /path/to/observe -newer /tmp/reference > /path/to/webserver/modified.files
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