With Server 2008 R2 and 2012R2, we were able to have the *.sep files stored in a location outside of System32, C:\SepFiles\coversheet.sep. As long as the folder had the name SepFiles it was working.

We recently installed a new 2016 Server and have our Windows 10 machines installed with printers from the server. They are not getting the cover sheets.

I could find a tech note regarding the SepFiles in Server 2012 and 2012R2, nothing for print services on 2016.

I know that I should be able to put the *.sep file in the system32 folder, but am hesitant as we had issues with 2012R2 deleting the *.sep files from the system32 folder without warning. The alternate location of c:\SepFiles has been rock solid without issues.

Has anyone had any luck with *.sep files outside of the system32 folder on Server 2016?

Thank you.

D. Berman
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  • I've no experience with this at all, but have you checked permissions on the folder to make sure the services involved in printing have appropriate access to the folders? – music2myear Dec 23 '16 at 00:02

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