on my linux redhat machine I perform swapoff

in order to drop swap pages that stays in cached swap!

swapoff -a

I waiting until now one hour and swapoff still work

can we see some process or notification when swapoff should be ended ?

remark - swap size is 8G , and memory size is 60 G

King David
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1 Answers1


in order to trace the swapoff process run the command free

and see that after some time the total swap is decrease

in this way "total swap" should be nearly 0 when swapodd ended,

after swapoff ended perform swapon -a

example :

 free -g
                   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
  Mem:              58           35         23          0          0         24
    -/+ buffers/cache:           10         48
 Swap:              1            1           0
King David
  • 433
  • 4
  • 17