McAfee expired on one of my workstations. I uninstalled it. (Happy to see it go)

Now my file and printer sharing does not work on that workstation. I have turned on all of the inbound rules in the firewall, and it still does not work. I also ran the Mcafee uninstaller to clean up leftovers. Still nothing.

The only way to get it working is to turn off the firewall entirely.

Any ideas on things I'm missing?

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  • What do you mean you turned on the firewall rules? They're either enabled and allowing the traffic or they're disabled and disallowing the traffic. There's no on or off. Can you clarify? – joeqwerty Dec 15 '16 at 18:24
  • Allow inbound traffic for file and printer sharing (and ping) – pStan Dec 15 '16 at 18:25
  • So you have shared folders/printers on this workstation and you're unable to connect to them from other systems? – joeqwerty Dec 15 '16 at 18:32
  • Yes. Mainly I'm after the printer sharing... which worked fine before Mcafee started the "trial expired meltdown"... – pStan Dec 15 '16 at 18:35

2 Answers2


Try netsh advfirewall reset command in cmd(admin). It will reset all the settings to default. If you still face the same problem, let us know.

Meet Gill
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Figured it out.

I had to change the scope on the firewall rule to allow the ping and file/printer sharing traffic from a different subnet since I was accessing across the VPN.

I should have mentioned the VPN part.

Thanks for all of the help!

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