So, I'm at my wits end here. I've been dealing with this issue off an on for months, and about a week this time around.
I have been using Fatcow as a Nameserver for some time, it started off as hosting; now all domains are parked and are hosted on site. Now, the only thing they host are the nameservers and email, both of which I'm working at getting off of.
I have a DNS on site that's been working; let me clarify, a 2008 R2 server. I have gone through both A-Name records and CNAME Records to get the DNS to be recognized by Fatcow and; with no avail on either. Both and Fatcow give me an error when attempting to update the Nameservers. My firewall does have both TCP and UDP 53 forwarded.
The two things I can think of are: I'm not doing something right or; AT&T U-verse has port 53 blocked, which is why I'm here. To get a fresh set of eyes.
With all the information, my question is: What am I missing? Based on everything I have done, have I missed something? I've searched and searched and find multiple questions regarding the general issue, but nothing specifically meets what I'm here asking now.