Earlier today I was having an issue where I couldn't setup my PHP7 remote interpreter on PhpStorm

I ended up finding out that I have unicode characters in my PHP configuration:

enter image description here

I have no idea how that happened and I probably would never have noticed without that PHPStorm issue. I searched here and here but only found posts about setting up encoding. I couldn't find any reference to phpd in my ini files so I reckon it's a core thing.

I'm running PHP 7.0.13 on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS and PHP is installed via ap-get.

Extra info: when I run the following from CLI I don't get the unicode characters:

php -r "print_r(ini_get_all());" | grep "phpd"
    [phpd] => Array
    [phpd.t] => Array

Any idea what I could do to fix that ?

Raph Petrini
  • 101
  • 3

1 Answers1


After a lot of research, this is caused by ionCube loader (running the last 6.0.6 version). After disabling the extension, the phpd values disappear. I've contacted them to report the bug.

Raph Petrini
  • 101
  • 3