
Today when someone do a reverse lookup for my website ip address, it gets my hosting server name (ie. server1.hosting.com). Instead, I want to show the hosted website domain (ie. mywebsite.com)

Can I set some kind of alias on the DNS zone to do that? How should it be?

Thank you

2 Answers2


This usually needs to be done by the hosting provider, as they control the reverse zone with your IP address. Check their docs and/or ask their support to learn how to do this.

Regarding aliases: That is now how reverse lookups work.

If you have indeed control over the reverse zone for your IP address, the PTR record should look like this:

<ip>   PTR   www.example.com. 

This would lead to a reverse lookup for your IP to result in www.example.com.

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Unless you have a substantially large net block (range of continuous IP addresses), it’s most likely that your ISP/hosting provider retains control over the DNS zone for your IP address. You would need to ask them to configure the PTR record corresponding to that IP address to mywebsite.com.

Anthony Geoghegan
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