I have a web server with HAproxy for load balancing and two nginx+php-fpm. When I opened my site I saw this error. I know what does 504 error mean, but why there are 5d?

What does 5d mean ?

Gani Rakhmatov
  • 217
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1 Answers1


Looks like something ignored or stripped out Transfer-Encoding: chunked from the response. That clearly looks like a chunked response, but delivered to the browser unchunked.

Look for something between you and the web server that might be altering your connections in flight, such as another proxy server, firewall, state censorship regime, etc.

Michael Hampton
  • 237,123
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  • I know this error, but I need to know why here is 5d? – Gani Rakhmatov Oct 31 '16 at 04:49
  • @GaniRakhmatov Because there were 93 (0x5d) bytes in the first chunk. – Michael Hampton Oct 31 '16 at 04:50
  • Could you specify your answer please? – Gani Rakhmatov Oct 31 '16 at 04:51
  • What else do you want to know? – Michael Hampton Oct 31 '16 at 04:52
  • I mean transfering process – Gani Rakhmatov Oct 31 '16 at 04:53
  • I read your link about chunks, thanks. So, this doesn't mean that my site has been hacked yeah ? – Gani Rakhmatov Oct 31 '16 at 04:56
  • @GaniRakhmatov Your site probably isn't hacked, but _something_ is broken somewhere. You will need to go looking for it. – Michael Hampton Oct 31 '16 at 04:58
  • Figure out the actual source of the contents of the error message, to identify the error's source. If the error is being *generated* by HAProxy, it's doubly strange, because HAProxy will *never* use chunked transfer encoding for errors it autonomously returns. HAProxy error messages are acually created in memory buffers at server startup as an HTTP/1.0 response, with static-everything (including headers), and HAProxy just copies that buffer to the socket when the error occurs. An HAProxy misconfiguration could be stripping or mangling upstream headers, if the error is from upstream. – Michael - sqlbot Oct 31 '16 at 10:40