Does anyone know how i could shutdown ACPI Bios computer (without APM) using Syslinux ?

This is the configuration I am using :

 LABEL Shutdown
    MENU LABEL ^Shutdown computer
    KERNEL /tools/poweroff.c32
        Shutdown the computer

On a non-APM Bios computer I got the error:

 APM not present

I heard that new Bios use most of the time ACPI instead of APM. So i tried acpioff.c32 from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/187530745/acpioff.c32

and replaced poweroff.c32 with it

 mv acpioff.c32 poweroff.c32

But i got the error :

 Failed to load com32 poweroff.c32

Maybe it require some dependencies? but I didn't found them...

I tested it from CDRom, USB Key and LPXE with the same result

Does anyone know how I could have shutdown works on ACPI using Syslinux ?



I already tried COM32 instead of KERNEL, but it is the same as said in : http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=SYSLINUX#KERNEL_file

KERNEL recognized extension (case sensitive)

.0 PXE bootstrap program (NBP) [PXELINUX only] .bin "CD boot sector" [ISOLINUX only]

.bs Boot sector [SYSLINUX only]

.bss Boot sector, DOS superblock will be patched in [SYSLINUX only]

.c32 COM32 image (32-bit COMBOOT)

.cbt COMBOOT image (not runnable from DOS)

.com COMBOOT image (runnable from DOS)

.img Disk image [ISOLINUX only]

I tried with Syslinux libraries from BIOS folder and EFI64 with the same result

This is the list of file I included :

enter image description here

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2 Answers2


You can't mix com32 modules from one version of syslinux/pxelinux with another version of syslinux/pxelinux.

If you want to build a working pxelinux and acpioff.c32, build the code from the tip of this branch: https://github.com/awalls-cx18/syslinux/tree/acpi_off?files=1

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You want to use COM32 to send the poweroff command. Your error code gave a bit of a hint. More info from the Arch Wiki/Syslinux

 LABEL poweroff
     MENU LABEL Power Off
     COM32 poweroff.c32
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    I already tested that before, com32 and kernel are doing the same thing, i added a link in my post : http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=SYSLINUX#KERNEL_file. Btw the trouble come from acpioff.c32, the original poweroff.c32 works as i mentioned, but only on APM bios.... – Froggiz Nov 09 '16 at 10:23