I have a domain midominio.com and I use google apps to manage and use email. Now I have to move to Microsoft Office 365. The question is if can have the google mail and the microsoft mail with domain midominio.com at the same time. I know with the mx records can do that, but the main issue is: this will work if I have a email info@midominio.com in google apps, but is not setup in microsoft or have a email store@midominio in microsoft, but not setup in google apps.

It is possible to make it work?

  • 3
    related: http://serverfault.com/questions/797322/can-office-365-and-google-apps-coexist-in-an-enterprise?rq=1 Short answer is that mail can coexist, but you're going to be doing a lot of forwarding between organizations. This is acceptable as a migration strategy, but not for long-term usage. – blaughw Oct 20 '16 at 19:02

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