Access to Wikipedia can be disturbed randomly in my country Running Debian 7 with nginx 1.2.1 with additional ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module

use several sub-domains to reverse proxy corresponding sub-domain of wikipedia w.mydomain.tld for zh.wikipedia.org m.w.mydomain.tld for zh.m.wikipedia.org. For mobile site up.w.mydomain.tld for upload.wikimedia.org

My nginx config looks like this

    location / {
    proxy_pass https://zh.wikipedia.org;
    proxy_cookie_domain zh.wikipedia.org w.mydomain.tld;
    proxy_redirect https://zh.wikipedia.org/ /;
    proxy_redirect https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/ https://m.w.mymain.tld/;
    proxy_set_header Host "zh.wikipedia.org";
    proxy_set_header Referer "https://zh.wikipedia.org$request_uri";
    subs_filter_types text/css text/xml text/javascript;
    subs_filter zh.wikipedia.org w.mydomain.tld;
    subs_filter upload.wikimedia.org up.w.mydomain.tld;
    subs_filter zh.m.wikipedia.org m.w.mydomain.tld;
    sub_filter_once off;
            location https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/{
            rewrite ^/(.*) https://m.w.mydomain.tld/$1 permanent;

Server config for m.w.domain.tld and up.w.domain.tld are similar

No matter how I always get a 500 internal server error and there are no infos on error.log

Many thanks in advance:)

Update: I have tried remove the last location section and a similar configuration works for Google, still no clue:(

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