I've setup opcache with php-fpm but for some reason, it keeps manually restarting. I've not actioned a restart and I've set the force restart timeout to 2700 seconds (2 hours) so the cache shouldn't get cleared.
What causes a manual restart?
[opcache_enabled] => 1
[cache_full] =>
[restart_pending] =>
[restart_in_progress] =>
[memory_usage] => Array(
[used_memory] => 58506120
[free_memory] => 478364792
[wasted_memory] => 0
[current_wasted_percentage] => 0
[interned_strings_usage] => Array(
[buffer_size] => 16777216
[used_memory] => 5840560
[free_memory] => 10936656
[number_of_strings] => 3946503
[opcache_statistics] => Array(
[num_cached_scripts] => 1553
[num_cached_keys] => 3015
[max_cached_keys] => 16229
[hits] => 52263
[start_time] => 1475655854
[last_restart_time] => 1475662737
[oom_restarts] => 0
[hash_restarts] => 0
**[manual_restarts] => 97**
[misses] => 1553
[blacklist_misses] => 0
[blacklist_miss_ratio] => 0
[opcache_hit_rate] => 97.114241117883