I have some sqlite version3 db3 files I copied off a live running production system (I know bad sysadmin bad sysadmin) for various reasons. Is there some sqlite command I can run that will verify that all the data can be read out of these files (I don't mind if it takes a while).

I was considering hacking up some perl which dumps out all data and then re-imports it into new files. I think sqlite will throw an exception if it encounters corrupt data. Is there a better way?

I'm CentOS 5.3 and sqlite-3.3.6-2

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1 Answers1


I think you want to try:

pragma integrity_check;

From the documentation:

This pragma does an integrity check of the entire database. The integrity_check pragma looks for out-of-order records, missing pages, malformed records, missing index entries, and UNIQUE and NOT NULL constraint errors. If the integrity_check pragma finds problems, strings are returned (as multiple rows with a single column per row) which describe the problems. [...]

See also the PRAGMA quick_check command which does most of the checking of PRAGMA integrity_check but runs much faster.

Cristian Ciupitu
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