Could someone shed some light on this confusing issue I am having. I am using PHP7, Apache2, Ubuntu 16.04 TLS. When I type my web URL in www.example.co.uk this resolves to my apache default page which at the moment is fine. However, when i put in www.example.co.uk/wordpress/ my default site theme loads. The issue is when I click login to the admin panel, the page disappears. If I put the server IP address in like this ipaddress/wordpress/wp-admin/ the login page loads?

What am I missing here, as far as I can see I have done everything correctly. Probably something minor (usually is!) Could someone advise what the issue maybe?

Best Wishes, and thanks for reading

  • What means "the page disappears"? do you get a blank page, an error? – chrwhm Sep 18 '16 at 15:25
  • Yes a blank page. Then i press ctrl & u which brings up the html page, then I click the link /wordpress/wp-login.php which then I can login. Really weird error! – CuriousMindz1981 Sep 18 '16 at 15:26
  • Could you pls show here what the dev tool of the browser said? Usually is good idea see what is under curtain. –  Sep 18 '16 at 15:45
  • I am confused by that question? I have stated what services I am running on Ubuntu? You would like a screen shot of my error? – CuriousMindz1981 Sep 18 '16 at 15:50
  • Correct, of the error that the browser give you when you access the network tab of the dev tool. –  Sep 18 '16 at 16:37
  • Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. The browser error shown: www.netasec.co.uk – CuriousMindz1981 Sep 18 '16 at 18:48
  • As seen above, I have to click the IP/wp-admin to load the page. The page will not load with my domain name/wp-admin? So kind of lost there – CuriousMindz1981 Sep 18 '16 at 19:03

1 Answers1


Did you used this URL (http://ipaddress/wordpress/) during installation? If so then Wordpress stored this URL in your database.

Follow this guide to solve your issue:


Vikelidis Kostas
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    initially i used domainname/wordpress for installation. However, when I type the domain name, this works absolutely fine. I can see the default wordpress page. However, attempting to go to the admin login page it gives me a white screen. So I press ctrl and u and get the error as copied above. I then have to click ipaddress/wordpress/wp-admin and it works. Its an address mask issue? – CuriousMindz1981 Sep 18 '16 at 19:14
  • weirdo!!! It seems that this URL is somehow mapped to a static html page that loads a frame which is not a standard wordpress behavior. Have you altered in any way your installation? Did you tried to deploy you site in another server? Maybe your hosting company is implementing a login protection mechanism – Vikelidis Kostas Sep 18 '16 at 19:25
  • No this is the confusing part! I have recently switched to ubuntu, as always been a CentOS man personally. However, I am priviately hosting this on my pi at home. First time ive seen this issue! :( – CuriousMindz1981 Sep 18 '16 at 20:22