How to add a line like:

    search somesuffix.com

to /etc/resolv.conf on Network Manager startup in Ubuntu?

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1 Answers1


NetworkManager uses dhclient for DHCP leases, and you would be better off using dhclient hooks to change /etc/resolv.conf

You're probably running dhcp3-client on Ubuntu, I think it's the default with 8.10 and 9.04 at least.

If you are, your configuration file is in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf

You can specify, per-interface modifications to /etc/resolv.conf


interface "wlan0" {
    supersede domain-name "int.domain.com domain.com";

That will generate an /etc/resolv.conf with:

domain int.domain.com
search int.domain.com domain.com

man 5 dhclient.conf for more info.

Philip Reynolds
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