By default when you setup a phone with BPS/BES, all of the messages from that server go into the messages folder, instead of creating a separate icon for that e-mail account. I've found this blackberry KB article that explains how to create a separate icon. However, I can't seem to get it to work with BPS. Is this possible on a BPS? If so, how do I go about doing this?

Brett G
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1 Answers1


From what I understand you have to buy a third party application to seperate Personal and Corpoarte mail.


This site should help as well:


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  • Did you read the whole forum post? The dated forum link you just posted makes reference to the fact after a certain software version this is no longer a limitation... my question is whether or not if this is just a feature of BES and not BPS. – Brett G Oct 30 '09 at 16:58
  • Sorry, Empower was my answer, I just posted the 2nd link for your reference. I found reference on this site that states you can't do this with BPS. http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/BlackBerry-Professional-Software/Separate-email-box-icon/m-p/266762;jsessionid=3E0F779974BB63132DAAC72BFB60343A – ITGuy24 Oct 30 '09 at 17:36