In order to be PCI Compliant, I need to disable TLSV1.0 in my monit installation, and I need SSL enabled in order to view it in my IspConfig installation. I've tried explicitly setting a version like so:

set ssl {
    verify: enable,
    version: tlsv12

but still if I

nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 2812 mywebserver.com

I get ciphers for TLSv1.0.

I am using Monit version 5.18 on Debian Jessie.

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1 Answers1


For random applications like this, that may or may not have sane crypto support, I put them behind an nginx proxy. Have monit bind to localhost, and then let Nginx handle TLS.

Unlike monit and its peers, you can be assured that nginx will support industry best-practices for encryption and will be updated in short order to patch tomorrow's OpenSSL vulnerability du jour.

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