t seems that somehow our domain computers have been infected by rasomware, turning files into encrypted files ending with .crypted. Lots of file have been changed and we do have back up.
At the same time, scanning for actual malware/virus/trojan have so far not resulted with anything. I haven't scanned all the computers, but I did notice that the files that have been changed were only on shared folders.
I've tried a couple of tools because I have copies of the original files (at least some) but I cannot seems to be able to decrypt them. At least not yet.
I think - but I could be wrong, that maybe only one computer with access to all these shared folders is actually infected, and it's changed those file names. Is this possible ? No encrypted local files have been found yet on the computers I've checked.
How do I check ? any ideas ? the files have changed to "filename.exe.NUMBER{payfornature@india.com}. I tried communicating with the address - and some guy who knows where behind proxies is demanding for $5000.
Any ideas would be appreciated.