I was setting up authentication mechanism for our organization jenkins, which had no security mechanism, "ananoumos" can do anything, delete jobs,build etc. I did
Install github-oauth jenkins plugin
In my https://github..com/ a. OAuthApplication --> created new Application b. provided all details, main thing was the authorization callback --> http://myserver.example.com:8080/securityRealm/finishLogin myserver.example.com = my jenkin server
It created , "ClientId" and "Client secrete" --> Noted down
- Go to Jenkins and configure "Global security: like mentioned here
When I clicked "Save" in Jenkin security configuration, It trowed big scary error
STDERR: hudson.security.AccessDeniedException2: anonymous is missing the Overall/Administer permission at hudson.security.ACL.checkPermission(ACL.java:57)
and then when I clicked jekins home page, it tried to redirect me to my org github but failed with "404"
Way out in "Answer" section