We have an Unbound caching server that was setup by another internal team. However, there is no logging enabled. I not only want this enabled for troubleshooting internal name resolution issues, but also to feed into a SIEM, and do other traffic analysis.

My questions (and I know every environment is different)

  • Is there a "sizing guide" so one can ascertain how much disk space should be allocated to the DNS caching host?

  • I suppose this might be determined by the log verbosity, so with verbosity: 1 or verbosity: 3, etc.. how does this come into play?

  • Is there anything else to consider other than just adding the #logfile directive to the .conf file?

  • to get the unbound logs over to a syslog/SIEM, I suspect I will need to use something like rsyslog - correct?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

  • 2
    This question covers a lot of tenuously-connected topics. You might want to consider making several questions, each of which is more specific to one issue. – womble Jun 14 '16 at 23:35

1 Answers1


DNS servers generally don't log a lot of data. For a caching name server there should not be a lot to log. I'll use my bind server which is split brain and serves queries from the Internet.

  • bind logs 200k cover more than six months data.
  • security logs 100k cover more than a month and a half.
  • query logs 10M cover most of a week. (This was left on after debugging some strange results when an upstream server was sending bad data.)

Normally, you shouldn't need to log queries, especially on a caching server.

Memory requirements will vary depending on how many different domains you cache. However, on a modern server this is unlikely to be a concern.

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