I'm new to storage, and I'm building out a new server for my client. I am more of a networking professional (CCNP, JNICP, Palo Alto), so this is brand new to me as I try to learn this. I've been scouring the web, but no luck getting the information I need.
I'm building a server with the following specifications:
Intel Xeon E5-2560 v3 x 2
Norco RPC-4224U Server Chasis
4 TB SAS Seagate HDDs x 24
ASUS Z10PE-16/4L Motherboard
I'm in the middle of now figuring how to connect the 24 physical hard drives to the motherboard. I'm confused a little bit about RAID controllers, RAID cards, and SAS Expanders. What's the difference? And which one do I use?
I am just only presenting the hard drives to the operating system (ESXi) vanilla, meaning as 4 TB drives for 24 QTY.
I'm on a limited budget, and I don't know if the Areca 1883IX-24 (which is very expensive), Adaptec 2274900-R 72405, which is much cheaper, or a SAS Expander will work?
I am leaning towards Adaptec 2274900-R 72405 but I don't know if it will work. Any help and guidance would be appreciated.
If anyone else knows or can recommend any other piece of hardware for this setup to get the 24 Hard Drives connected at a much cheaper price, that'll be great!