So I've followed through this userguide for creating an AMI from an EBS backed Opsworks instance and it all seemed to go smoothly until I attempted to boot an instance in Opsworks from the new AMI.

Setup Failed

Here's the setup log as a gist due to it exceeding the post size limit: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hailwood/d064476a06dff214436378afea6b1930/raw/3024f52a3a93fdd47e3f72ddd4ba5960cb8ff9e2/error.log

But from what I can tell there is nothing interesting there. However when I ssh into the instance and check out /var/chef/runs/42bb....../chef.log I notice it;s only contents are the follwing (I've split this over two lines for easy reading):

/opt/aws/opsworks/current/bin/chef_command_wrapper.sh: line 96: 
/opt/chef/bin/chef-client: No such file or directory

Running a find / -name 'chef-client' tells me that the chef-client is actually installed in /usr/bin/chef-client but I'm not sure that's the issue as it does appear to be successfully running chef based on the error log above.

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