i'm looking for a software that i can use to fill a mysql db (structure created by joomla, drupal or any CMS or script) with samples data for tot MB, so i can decide to put 400 MB of data in my tables to test my db and mysql engine. Is there something like this? Thanks very much ;) Nik

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    Having xMB of data doesn't help you test something unless it has a particular distribution of values that matches up with what you're trying to test. – womble Oct 24 '09 at 11:30
  • He's asking for sample data for specific applications, which I think is a reasonable question to ask. – duffbeer703 Oct 24 '09 at 16:08
  • Unfortunately you need to be far more specific than this - what KIND of data to put into which tables - and writing scripts to generate it can be quite an onerous task. I spent three months on this last year. – MarkR Oct 24 '09 at 20:48

5 Answers5


Just answering to help someone who've landed here after gloogling for a similar subject......

  1. go to http://kedar.nitty-witty.com/blog/generate-dummy-test-data-for-mysql-using-routines and download the sql code
  2. enter at the sql client and load

    sql> source '/my/downloaded/script';

  3. fill your tables

    sql> use test;

    sql> call pupulate('test','tablename',1000,'N');

now you have 1000 rows in your table 'test.tablename'

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I know drupal 6 specifically the devel module allows you to generate random dummy text: http://drupal.org/project/devel

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if you put your data into a comma separated value file, you can use the LOAD DATA command. Here is a page discussing how to import CSV data into mysql

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/importfile.csv' 
INTO TABLE test_table 
(field1, filed2, field3);

here is a shortcut to run the LOAD DATA command.

To import from joomla, drupal, etc, you might need to export and convert into csv.

Andrew Keith
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you can create one sample db , take your dump with:

#mysqldump databasename > dumpfile.sql

then use anywhere on any database using:

#mysql databasename < dumpfile.sql

You can try http://filldb.info/ Automatically generate data and fill your database tables with dummy data.