I've got a WSUS 3SP2 with all patchs on Windows 2008 R2. It updates all servers. all works but servers 2012R2 on a remote site.

All others Win2012R2 on other sites works.

In the site which have issue, there's only 3 2012R2 servers. There are seen by WSUS console, and they can send report. When i clic link to update from win update, it works too.

Here 's the windowsupdate.log

2016-05-13    11:46:40:192     144    1b7c    AU    Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2016-05-13    11:46:40:192     144    1b7c    AU    Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2016-05-13    11:46:40:192     144    1b7c    AU    Adding timer:
2016-05-13    11:46:40:192     144    1b7c    AU        Timer: 31DA7559-FE27-4810-8FF6-987195B1FD98, Expires 2016-05-13 09:46:40, not idle-only, not network-only
2016-05-13    11:46:40:286     144    1bac    AU    #############
2016-05-13    11:46:40:286     144    1bac    AU    ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2016-05-13    11:46:40:286     144    1bac    AU    #########
2016-05-13    11:46:40:286     144    1bac    SLS    Retrieving SLS response from server using ETAG "4V8nqvoeoxgpu+6kKNNNGpLr4BCvPTmaz82CIDm5o5g=_1440"...
2016-05-13    11:46:40:286     144    1bac    SLS    Making request with URL HTTPS://sls.update.microsoft.com/SLS/{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}/x64/6.3.9600.0/0?CH=79&L=fr-FR&P=&PT=0x7&WUA=7.9.9600.18235
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    EP    Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir SecondaryServiceAuth URL: "117cab2d-82b1-4b5a-a08c-4d62dbee7782"
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    SLS    FATAL: SLS:CSLSRequest::RetrieveAdditionalAttributesIfRequired: CoCreateInstance failed with 0x80040154.
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    Agent    WARNING: Failed to retrieve SLS response data for service 117cab2d-82b1-4b5a-a08c-4d62dbee7782, error = 0x80040154
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    Agent    FATAL: Caller Service Recovery failed to opt in to service 117cab2d-82b1-4b5a-a08c-4d62dbee7782, hr=0X80040154
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    IdleTmr    WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 2) started; operation # 23; does use network; is not at background priority
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    IdleTmr    Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 2
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    Agent    *** START ***  Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp  Id = 2]
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    1bac    AU    <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {562A8466-865C-4ABF-8BD2-C76DB40E6F26} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent    ***  END  ***  Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp  Id = 2]
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent    *************
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent    ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp  Id = 2]
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent    *********
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent      * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent      * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent      * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent      * Search Scope = {Machine & All Users}
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent      * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-4030573487-1182406749-2212445248-500
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Agent      * RegisterService is set
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    EP    Got WSUS Client/Server URL: "http://xxxx:xxx/ClientWebService/client.asmx"
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Setup    Checking for agent SelfUpdate
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    Setup    Client version: Core: 7.9.9600.18235  Aux: 7.9.9600.18235
2016-05-13    11:46:41:492     144    f5c    EP    Got WSUS SelfUpdate URL: "http://xxxx:xxx/selfupdate"
2016-05-13    11:46:41:570     144    f5c    Misc    Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Misc     Microsoft signed: NA
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Misc     Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Misc    WARNING: Cab does not contain correct inner CAB file.
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Misc    Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Misc     Microsoft signed: NA
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Misc     Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Setup    Skipping SelfUpdate check based on the /SKIP directive in wuident
2016-05-13    11:46:41:586     144    f5c    Setup    SelfUpdate check completed.  SelfUpdate is NOT required.
2016-05-13    11:46:41:789     144    f5c    PT    +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2016-05-13    11:46:41:789     144    f5c    PT      + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://srv-secu01:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2016-05-13    11:46:41:789     144    f5c    Agent    Reading cached app categories using lifetime 604800 seconds
2016-05-13    11:46:41:789     144    f5c    Agent    Read 0 cached app categories
2016-05-13    11:46:41:789     144    f5c    Agent    SyncUpdates adding 0 visited app categories
2016-05-13    11:46:43:008     144    f5c    IdleTmr    WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 24; does use network; is at background priority
2016-05-13    11:46:43:289     144    f5c    IdleTmr    WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 24) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2016-05-13    11:46:43:289     144    f5c    Agent    Reading cached app categories using lifetime 604800 seconds
2016-05-13    11:46:43:289     144    f5c    Agent    Read 0 cached app categories
2016-05-13    11:46:43:289     144    f5c    Agent    SyncUpdates adding 0 visited app categories
2016-05-13    11:46:43:289     144    f5c    IdleTmr    WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 25; does use network; is at background priority
2016-05-13    11:46:43:679     144    f5c    IdleTmr    WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 25) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2016-05-13    11:46:43:679     144    f5c    PT      + SyncUpdates round trips: 2
2016-05-13    11:46:44:054     144    f5c    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {{4DEB7F5F-D14D-43E2-93FA-F81B10846CF7}.200}, hr = 80070057
2016-05-13    11:46:44:054     144    f5c    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {{4DEB7F5F-D14D-43E2-93FA-F81B10846CF7}.200}, hr = 80070057
2016-05-13    11:46:44:054     144    f5c    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {{22FFD207-0EB5-4FCF-9F6A-67078327D7A3}.200}, hr = 80070057
2016-05-13    11:46:44:070     144    f5c    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {{A4ECF96E-FE76-4933-B1A9-FAA712DC2A3B}.200}, hr = 80070057
2016-05-13    11:46:44:070     144    f5c    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {{A4ECF96E-FE76-4933-B1A9-FAA712DC2A3B}.200}, hr = 80070057
2016-05-13    11:46:44:070     144    f5c    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {{9941EB5F-4953-446D-99A2-C5989C596283}.200}, hr = 80070057
2016-05-13    11:46:44:070     144    f5c    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {{9941EB5F-4953-446D-99A2-C5989C596283}.200}, hr = 80070057
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    f5c    Agent      * Found 0 updates and 81 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 578 out of 1267 deployed entities
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    f5c    Agent    Reporting status event with 19 installable, 86 installed,  0 installed pending, 0 failed and 0 downloaded updates
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    f5c    Agent    *********
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    f5c    Agent    **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp  Id = 2]
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    f5c    Agent    *************
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    f5c    IdleTmr    WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 2, operation # 23) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    f5c    IdleTmr    Decremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {562A8466-865C-4ABF-8BD2-C76DB40E6F26} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU      # 0 updates detected
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    #########
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {562A8466-865C-4ABF-8BD2-C76DB40E6F26} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    #############
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    All AU searches complete.
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    AU setting next detection timeout to 2016-05-14 06:59:50
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    Adding timer:
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU        Timer: 31DA7559-FE27-4810-8FF6-987195B1FD98, Expires 2016-05-14 06:59:50, not idle-only, not network-only
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    Currently AUX is enabled - so not show any WU Upgrade notifications.
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    WARNING: Failed to get Network Cost info from NLM, assuming network is NOT metered, error = 0x80240037
2016-05-13    11:46:44:742     144    1f60    AU    WARNING: Failed to get Network Cost info from NLM, assuming network is NOT metered, error = 0x80240037

I've searched everywhere and tried every thing listed here : https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/sus/2009/11/17/tips-for-troubleshooting-wsus-agents-that-are-not-reporting-to-the-wsus-server/

But still no luck, WSUS client find no updates...

Can you help me please? Thank you very much

Alex Lum
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