The biggest problem is that CLI wizard doesn't work on Debian package. So icinga2 node wizard is impossible.

So i have to edit configs manually, but this is so weird, that after reading i know less then before.

Few questions:

  1. what is a difference between satelitte and client?
  2. What is a difference between zone and cluster?
  3. If set zones and endpoints, should I see hosts on webpanel? Or I have to set it independently?

I want to see all my hosts in one web panel, and I want to manage it from this one master computer.

I think, that I have to run icinga2 on all hosts.

What I did for now:

On master computer I changed zones.conf:

 * Endpoint and Zone configuration for a cluster setup
 * This local example requires `NodeName` defined in
 * constants.conf.

object Endpoint "chart-left" {
  host = ""
object Endpoint "gonzales" {
  host = "W.X.Y.Z"

object Zone "master" {
  endpoints = [ "chart-left" ]

object Zone "checker" {
  endpoints = [ "gonzales" ]
  parent = "master"
 * Defines a global zone containing templates,
 * etc. synced to all nodes, if they accept
 * configuration. All remote nodes need
 * this zone configured too.

object Zone "global-templates" {
  global = true

And on client computer zones.conf differs with IP:

 * Endpoint and Zone configuration for a cluster setup
 * This local example requires `NodeName` defined in
 * constants.conf.

object Endpoint "chart-left" {
  host = "A.B.C.D"

object Zone "master" {
  endpoints = [ "chart-left" ]

object Endpoint "gonzales" {
  host = ""
object Zone ZoneName {
  endpoints = [ "gonzales" ]
  parent = "master"
 * Defines a global zone containing templates,
 * etc. synced to all nodes, if they accept
 * configuration. All remote nodes need
 * this zone configured too.

object Zone "global-templates" {
  global = true

And in both logs appears some informations:


[2016-04-13 00:47:17 +0200] information/ApiClient: Reconnecting to API endpoint 'gonzales' via host 'W.X.Y.Z' and port 5665


[2016-04-13 00:54:10 +0200] information/ApiListener: New client connection for identity 'chart-left'

But looking at panel I still see only localhost (chart-left) - which is defined in hosts.conf.

The zones.d tree looks like:


without any files in checker/ master/ nor global-templates/

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1 Answers1


This doesn't answer your question, but does solve the problem of the CLI not working properly. You can install the packages from debmon (this version is a bit newer) following the Icinga2 Getting Started Guide. (Make sure that you actually install the new version rather than the one in jessie.) Then you can just use the wizards.

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