I'm trying to view the windows certs on my box but the UI for certmgr and MMC is terrible. Specifically, I'd like a quick way to view and compare thumbprints and friendly names. Does anyone know a better tool to do this?

Doesn't have to be a GUI, I'm ok with console commands if they work better.

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3 Answers3


You can open a Powershell console and use the dir command on the Cert: provider to list the information you want. For example, the commands below would list thumbprints and subjects (friendly names) for the current user certs and the machine certs respectively:

dir Cert:\CurrentUser\My
ls Cert:\LocalMachine\My\

You can run the command below to get more info on how to work with certificates using the Certificate provider in Powershell.

help certificate

Or you can read more online here

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You can use a VBS script like:

Dim store 
Set store = CreateObject("CAPICOM.Store")

WScript.Echo "Dumping local Root CAs:"
store.Open , "Root", 0  ' or "My" or "CA"
For Each cert In store.CERTIFICATES
     WScript.Echo cert.SubjectName
     'WScript.Echo cert.SerialNumber  
     WScript.Echo cert.Thumbprint   
     WScript.Echo "---------------------------------------"         
WScript.Echo "============================================================================="

WScript.Echo "Dumping Personal CAs:"
store.Open , "CA", 0  
For Each cert In store.CERTIFICATES
     WScript.Echo cert.SubjectName
     'WScript.Echo cert.SerialNumber  
     WScript.Echo cert.Thumbprint   
     WScript.Echo "---------------------------------------"         
WScript.Echo "============================================================================="

WScript.Echo "Dumping Personal certificates:"
store.Open , "My", 0 
For Each cert In store.CERTIFICATES
     WScript.Echo cert.SubjectName
     'WScript.Echo cert.SerialNumber  
     WScript.Echo cert.Thumbprint   
     WScript.Echo "---------------------------------------"         

Copy the code in a file called dumpcerts.vbs and execute

cscript dumpcerts.vbs
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I created a powershell script that makes it super easy to find certs by thumbprint, subject names or serial numbers.

It will search "CurrentUser" and "LocalMachine" cert stores by default and will do a loose case insensitive match on thumbprint, subject names and the serial number. You can also add -PrivateKey to list only certs with a private key and -expiration to list certs by expiration date. Except for when using the -expiration flag, it will return a list of actual .NET X509Certificate objects that you can manipulate.

Usage examples:

get-cert a909

get-cert contoso -privateKey

it also adds two aliases: lscert, dircert

function Get-Cert {
  param (
  $certDirectories  = "cert:\CurrentUser\My", "cert:\LocalMachine\My"

  # Set the cert store to list from
  $certStores = $certDirectories
  if ($certDirectoryOverride -ne $null) {
    $certStores = $certDirectoryOverride

  $items = @()
  # get all certs from the stores
  foreach ($store in $certStores) {
    $items += ls $store

  if ($localFolders) {
    foreach ($folder in $localFolders) {
      $localCertPaths = ls -path $folder -i *cer -rec
      foreach ($certPath in $localCertPaths) {
        $fullName = $certPath.FullName
        $directoryName = $certPath.DirectoryName
        $cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($certPath)
        add-member -InputObject $cert -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PSParentPath -Value $directoryName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        add-member -InputObject $cert -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Path -Value $fullName
        add-member -InputObject $cert -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FileName -Value $fileName

        $items += $cert;

  # add handy expiration property
  $items | %{
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Expiration -Value {[DateTime]$this.GetExpirationDateString()} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType AliasProperty -Name Path -Value PSPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType AliasProperty -Name FileName -Value PSPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name SubjectAlternateNames -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value {
      return ($this.Extensions | Where-Object {$_.Oid.FriendlyName -eq "subject alternative name"}).Format(1).Replace("`r`n",", ").Replace("DNS Name=","")
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType AliasProperty -Name AlternateNames -Value SubjectAlternateNames -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType AliasProperty -Name AlternativeNames -Value SubjectAlternateNames -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType AliasProperty -Name SubjectAlternativeNames -Value SubjectAlternateNames -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType AliasProperty -Name SubjectAltNames -Value SubjectAlternateNames -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    add-member -InputObject $_ -MemberType AliasProperty -Name AltNames -Value SubjectAlternateNames -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

  # filter all the certs
  if ($filter -ne $null) {
    $items = $items | where-object {
      ($_.Thumbprint -match $filter) -or
      ($_.Subject -match $filter) -or
      ($_.SerialNumber -match $filter) -or
      ($_.SubjectAlternateName -match $filter)
  if ($thumbprint -ne $null) {
    $items = $items | where {$_.Thumbprint -match $thumbprint}
  if ($subject -ne $null) {
    $items = $items | where {$_.Subject -match $subject}
  if ($altName -ne $null) {
    $items = $items | where {$_.SubjectAlternateNames -match $altName}
  if ($serialNumber -ne $null) {
    $items = $items | where {$_.SerialNumber -match $serialNumber}
  if ($privateKey) {
    $items = $items | where {$_.PrivateKey -ne $null}

  if ($expiration) {
    return $items | sort expiration | ft expiration, thumbprint, subject

  return $items

new-alias lscert Get-Cert -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
new-alias dircert Get-Cert -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

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