I have a Chef server running on Ubuntu 14.04 (see Note 1) and I can access the "Chef Manage" website by visiting the IP address (mychefserver.myorg.com
) in my browser.
I have a workstation running on Mac OS X El Capitan (see Note 2) and I can connect to the Chef server using knife ssl check
and knife client list
The problem: knife
won't bootstrap my third machine (mynode.myorg.com
) as a node.
$ knife bootstrap mynode.myorg.com --sudo --ssh-user myname --forward-agent --node-name mynode
Creating new client for mynode
Creating new node for mynode
Connecting to mynode
Failed to authenticate myname - trying password auth
Enter your password: stty: 'standard input': unable to perform all requested operations
ERROR: Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user myname@mynode@mynode
is a corporate machine. SSH is set up to allow only certificate-based authentication. SSH with password and SSH with private key is disallowed.
It seems to me that since knife bootstrap
uses password- or key-based SSH, and since I can reach a command line on the node by simply running ssh mynode.myorg.com
, my best option is to SSH into the node and set Chef up manually. Unfortunately, there is no documentation for how to create a Chef node that doesn't involve invoking knife bootstrap
from a workstation.
What commands do I have to run locally on the node to recreate the work performed by knife bootstrap
Note 1: Chef Server 12.4.1 setup steps
$ wget https://packagecloud.io/chef/stable/packages/ubuntu/trusty/chef-server-core_12.4.1-1_amd64.deb/download
$ dpkg -i download
$ cat > /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb
server_name = 'mychefserver.myorg.com'
api_fqdn server_name
bookshelf['vip'] = server_name
nginx['url'] = "https://#{server_name}/"
nginx['server_name'] = server_name
nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/#{server_name}.crt"
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/#{server_name}.key"
$ chef-server-ctl reconfigure
$ chef-server-ctl install opscode-manage
$ chef-server-ctl reconfigure
$ opscode-manage-ctl reconfigure
$ chef-server-ctl install opscode-reporting
$ chef-server-ctl reconfigure
$ opscode-reporting-ctl reconfigure
$ chef-server-ctl user-create myname My Name myname@myorg.com mypassword --filename myname.pem
$ chef-server-ctl org-create myorg "My Org" --association_user myname
Note 2: ChefDK 0.11.2 workstation setup steps
$ wget URL: https://opscode-omnibus-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/mac_os_x/10.11/x86_64/chefdk-0.11.2-1.dmg
$ hdiutil mount chefdk-0.11.2-1.dmg
$ installer -package '/Volumes/Chef Development Kit/chefdk-0.11.2-1.pkg' -target '/Volumes/Macintosh HD'
$ hdiutil unmount '/Volumes/Chef Development Kit/'
$ chef generate app chef-repo
$ cd chef-repo
$ mkdir .chef
$ cat > .chef/myname.pem
# …snip…
$ cat > .chef/knife.rb
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name 'myname'
client_key "#{__dir__}/myname.pem"
chef_server_url 'https://mychefserver.myorg.com/organizations/myorg'
cookbook_path ["#{__dir__}/../chef-repo/cookbooks"]
$ knife ssl fetch