I run a Wordpress on EC2 at AWS and I am facing the following issue:
More than 2 days ago, the CPU went straight to 100% and the load balance up to ~20+ (for a 4-vcpu server) out of the blue.
Being unable to understand what is going on, I activated "I Am Under Attack" mode on Cloudflare (https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-im-under-attack-mode/) which brought things back to normal (~15% CPU, <1 load).
Since then, as soon as I disable the "under attack" mode, the exact same happens, crazy CPU, crazy load. I switch it back on, things go to normal.
Additionally, I am monitoring with tcptrack -i eth0
and I see new connections coming in from different IPs when I turn off the Cloudflare protection.
Should I conclude that this is a DDoS attack? What can I do other than siting behind the Cloudflare firewall and how long can it last?
Thanks for any tips