
I am using Namecheap default DNS, where I bought the dns name. However, I am having a issue...

Typically, for AWS and Rackspace I would have:

A Record: foo.com
Cname:    www.example.com foo.com

But for Namecheap I have to use @ to show server root:

A Record: @
Cname:    www.example.com example.com

With Namecheap DNS, http://example.com works but not www.example.com with ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. Any suggestions?

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2 Answers2


If you were to write www.example.com inside a zone file for example.com. the actual name you have created is www.example.com.example.com.

Instead you can append a . to the name to make it absolute rather than relative. In that case you would write www.example.com.

Alternatively you could use a relative name and write only www without a . which since it is relative will become www.example.com. once the zone name has been appended.

If you have come across a provider which will allow you to create a record for www.example.com. by only writing www.example.com it would be because that provider automatically appends the trailing . behind the scenes, which can be confusing since not all providers do this.

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As it turns out, the only way to get this done without a URL redirect record is to have 2 A records:

A Record: @
A Record: www

This mostly due to I have to use @ as the domain name. Because of this, I can not use cname record as the input will not allow @ and namescheap dns does not use domain name, but @.

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