So, as of last week I've implemented a blocklist on our Untangle (which runs Apache SpamAssassin behind the scenes). For the most part it's working, but there is still some spam getting through that I want to block. For example I have blocked this:

blacklist_from *@mail.eu

Yet spam from address like this are still getting through (3 new just this morning): *@aweerr.caprav.eu *@ftwes.maroonh.eu *@swefgy.sinsult.eu

So my questions: - Does the "mail" in *@mail.eu not act a wildcard as well? So, for example, anything from any@any.eu should be blocked, correct? - For sub-domains (like *@swefgy.sinsult.eu) should I make a rule like this (woud this work)? blacklist_from @.eu and/or blacklist_from @mail..eu

Also, if anyone knows of a free service where I can get a "throw away" email account with something OTHER than .com (.point, .eu, .work, etc) that would be very helpful with my testing.


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1 Answers1


As far as the internet is concerned, host.example.eu and example.eu are two completely different domains. Therefore if you want to block sub domains then you will need to have something like @ * .*.eu (if the tool that you are using can support the double wildcard).

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