I am suffering from excessive memory usage, currently amounting to ~940 MB physical and ~1 GB swap memory, on my Ubuntu 15.04 x64 Docker (1.9.1-cs2, build 4ade326) host. According to top, Docker is responsible for the consumption of about 780 MB of swap memory. How can I figure out why Docker is using so much swap?

I am mainly running a Node.js Docker container, which doesn't seem to consume that much memory. The memory usage is also rising over a few hours, as it's quite modest after booting up.

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1 Answers1


It's not a super satisfying answer, but enabling memory and swap accounting in the kernel seems to have reined in the excessive memory usage.

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  • Unfortunately, I see Docker is back to using ~780 MB of swap :( It is the `docker` process itself (according to /proc//status) that is responsible for this. – aknuds1 Jan 27 '16 at 12:21