I am trying to get the cron daemon to start on reboot on an instance of Amazon Linux (Linux version 3.14.57-34.46.amzn1.x86_64). I have run:

$ sudo chkconfig crond on

If I run:

$ chkconfig --list crond

I get:

crond    0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:on

The system's default run level is 3.

Starting/stopping crond manually works fine, and the commands in my crontab are executed.

$ sudo service crond <start|stop|restart>

After reboot there are no warning or error logs in /var/log/cron (there are non-error logs once cron is started manually) or /var/log/messages. Am I missing something? How can I debug this?

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2 Answers2


I met similar situation. but finally I solved it.

I tried 2 way.

(1) all requires update
sudo yum update

(2) wait login to finish all initialization on AmazonLinux

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In case anyone has a similar problem, here's what the issue was: nginx was also set to start on boot and had a password-protected SSL certificate key. After the passphrase was removed from the key, crond started on reboot.

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