My web application run on Centos6. I want to protect my application. I want to ensure that HTTP request with some specific header come only from a specific IP only.

(The header include a user name and I want to prevent HTTP header spoofing).

Important clarification: Requests without the specific header should be allowed from any IPs

Is it possible to do it with IPTable? Other options?

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1 Answers1


You can only do this at web server level, which is application level and where your HTTP Headers are visible. iptables can't handle HTTP headers, because it handles layer 3 and HTTP is layer 7.

Check the OSI model. You can use nginx or apache2 for this

Here are two similar questions and their answers https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18970620/nginx-reject-request-if-header-is-not-present-or-wrong

In Nginx, block user based on X header value

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