I'm getting RKHunter warnings every day when my cron job runs the check. I'm on FreeBSD 10.2

This is the warning I'm getting:

Warning: No hash value found for file '/usr/bin/perl' in the 'rkhunter.dat' file.

I already tried rkhunter --updateand rkhunter --propupd but the warning remains.

rkhunter --propupd
[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.4.2 ]
File updated: searched for 171 files, found 113, broken links 1

rkhunter --list perl reveals this:

Perl module installation status:
perl command               Installed
File::stat                 Installed
Getopt::Long               Installed
Crypt::RIPEMD160            MISSING
Digest::MD5                Installed
Digest::SHA                Installed
Digest::SHA1               Installed
Digest::SHA256              MISSING
Digest::SHA::PurePerl       MISSING
Digest::Whirlpool           MISSING
LWP                         MISSING
URI                         MISSING
HTTP::Status                MISSING
HTTP::Date                  MISSING
Socket                     Installed
Carp                       Installed

I installed Rootkit Hunter through the ports tree and am now on 1.4.2.

Is there anything I'm missing?

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1 Answers1


I figured out that Perl 5.20 doesn't use the symlinks in /usr/bin any more.

(Better read those messages!)

They now were pointing to a nonexistent file:

lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel         25  4 Mai  2015 perl -> /usr/local/bin/perl5.18.4
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel         25  4 Mai  2015 perl5 -> /usr/local/bin/perl5.18.4

I deleted those and now RKHunter is quiet.

rm /usr/bin/perl
rm /usr/bin/perl5
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