Trying to achieve constant language code in url's 1st segment with nginx regex location configuration and could not find the correct syntax.

Necessary result:

  • example.com stays example.com
  • example.com/en stays example.com/en
  • example.com/en/ stays example.com/en or example.com/en/ (don't care)
  • example.com/en/etc stays example.com/en/etc

  • example.com/etc changes to example.com/en/etc
  • example.com/etc/segment changes to example.com/en/etc/segment

Currently I have found out this code but it still stuck in somewhere. It makes permanent loop and doesn't not use $1 argument.

location ~ "^/(?![a-z]{2}/)(.+)$" {
    rewrite / /en/$1 permanent;

#Using handler here for removing index.php in uri (example.com/index.php -> example.com);
location / {
    index index.htm index.html index.php;
    try_files $uri $uri/ @handler;

location @handler {
    rewrite / /index.php?$query_string;

UPDATE: Answer can be found in this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33913261/2662849

Toms Bugna
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1 Answers1


The @handler location will rewrite the URI to /index.php which is then redirected to /en/index.php, which (if it doesn't exist) invokes the @handler location.

Read this document because you need something to handle PHP. The redirect loop is caused because the file or handler does not exist. You need to define a location to handle PHP files, either another regex location or your named location.

Richard Smith
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