I'm having an issue with installing/uninstalling an Exchange server. I suspect the server wasn't properly removed from AD and as a result I'm getting an error. (I've already wiped the machine, the only constant is the hostname, and AD)

How do I search AD for a given host name, wherever that may be (including partial matches since a host name may be in LDAP format)?

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2 Answers2


The following should work. Assuming you want to search for a server name that begins with "CONTOSOEX".

Get-ADObject -SearchBase "CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com" -SearchScope Subtree -Filter {(cn -like "CONTOSOEX*")}  

To search for all text:

Get-ADObject -SearchBase "CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com" -SearchScope Subtree -Properties * -Filter * > C:\SomeDir\Exchange.txt  

Then you may open the Exchange.txt file in your favorite text editor to search for the required values.

Greg Askew
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I would try and use ldp.exe, connect to the configuration partition then search for whatever you're looking for. Use ldp.exe on a DC

  1. file->Bind
  2. View->Tree then select Configuartion

Then you can search that tree for whatever you're looking for. The filter option is a little confusing to use but it may help you find what you're looking for.

I found this to be a little helpful




Hope this helps you (Remember to backup just in case)

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