When running a custom windows forms application, I get this error, unable to load dll 'olepro32.dll' the specified module could not be found. From some searching, this seems to be a Windows system file. Could this file really become corrupted or get installed with a bad version? If so, how do I fix it? I'm aware that I should not download a dll from some random site, but instead get it from Microsoft.


Seems like it might be a problem with Ink? The custom windows app I'm talking about does use Ink. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/c66cf0e8-c70e-47f7-91ba-fb114d93c055/ink-desktop-20-not-working-in-vista?forum=tabletandtouch

Quite honestly the reason I am asking this question here is because I did not see any stack exchange sites listed in the top 20 Google search. I trust stack exchange, and other sites... not so much.

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1 Answers1


We solved it. The problem was with a very old version of Microsoft.Ink.dll.

The developers included a new dll in the package with version 6.1 instead of 1.7.

The olepro32.dll did not seem to be the problem after all. All users had the dll in their C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder. sfc did not turn up anything.

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