EDIT: BTW, everything else including all websites on the server are running fine except that mail queue in whm is not automatically being delivered. What directory would I need to change permissions on just to fix mail sending again?
So last night I accidentally typed the following command as root via ssh and changed some permissions to account 'userx':
chown -R userx /
That permission change command only ran for about 5 seconds and I quickly realized my error and forced stopped it.
Today the mail queue is not being delivered unless I manualy force deliver all mail in the queue in whm.
I don't know if that was the cause of this issue but a few minutes ago I ran the following command to try fix it and let that run for about 5 seconds then force stopped it.
chown -R root /
However, the problem with the mail queue is still there.
Can you please let me know if in fact that accidental few seconds of changing of permissions in / could be the problem and how can I check which essential directories and files actually got change and need to be set back to root permissions?
Thank you