I have a server called http://SERVER-A.com which sends a SOAP request to a third-party address. Also I have another server called http://Server-B.com which I want to configure as a proxy server. I want to send my SOAP requests from A to the third-party server through server B (proxy my request). also I want to proxy SOAP requests only if the request wants to be proxied(from A to third party / not a direct request to B). I have configured my server B htaccess file as follows :

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_FORWARDED} .
RewriteRule ^ - [P]

ProxyPassReverse / %{HTTP_FORWARDED}

Is my configuration correct? What should I do beside this?

I know that I should configure my proxy host and port in SOAP request.(php client) I have access only to .htaccess file.

I just want server B to act as a middleware.(like its B that is sending the SOAP request)

Thanks for your help.

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