I am needing to restart a windows server from a Linux server.

The error i get is: (i have replaced ip address with xx )

Could not connect to server xx.xx.xx.xx

It fails with that result no matter what. The commands i have tried are:

net rpc shutdown -I xx.xx.xx.xx -f -U user%password

net rpc shutdown -I xx.xx.xx.xx -f -U domain/user%password

net rpc shutdown -f -I xx.xx.xx.xx -W domain.local -U user%password

I have also tried taking out the password, after executing the command it then asks for a password. If I type the password in it still fails with the NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED.

It is the Administrator account I'm trying to login with.

I have temp disabled firewall altogether for a second while testing.

Very lost and its driving me mad. Any helps would be greatly appreciated.

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  • What Linux you are using ? Newer OS restricted the lmhash and such security (you can lower it thougth in the windows) – yagmoth555 Oct 26 '15 at 13:26
  • im using centos 5.5... much older and still capable of it. Its not the linux side. its definetely the win server 2012 blocking it – Elgoots Oct 26 '15 at 13:30
  • check your security log on the server then – yagmoth555 Oct 26 '15 at 13:33
  • now im getting an error of: Connection failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED i have checked logs and cant find anything related – Elgoots Oct 27 '15 at 06:05

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