So for our dev environment we have a wildcard A record for each of our developers. Having different needs (vpn vs office, etc) we allow update on the dns via nsupdate. That works pretty well but I haven't found a way to update a wildcard entry via nsupdate. Did I miss something obvious ?

I try "update add *.domain.com 600 A" but that is refused while if I used x213.domain.com it's working properly.

Is there some magic syntax? Or this is simply not possible...

  • 131
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1 Answers1


Better late than never? I'll just add my answer here since I found your question when looking for an answer myself.

Just "slashing" the asterisk worked out fine for me.

update add \*.domain.com 600 A
  • I don't have this environment anymore to confirm... If someone else can vote/confirm this I'll gladly accept it ^^ – ROunofF Jan 13 '21 at 03:09