I am using the Apt module (https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/apt) and have added an entry for the Debian wheezy backports repository:
apt::source { 'wheezy-backports':
location => 'http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian',
release => 'wheezy-backports',
repos => 'main',
include_deb => true,
include_src => true,
notify => Exec['apt-get-update'],
I can successfully install packages that are available in wheezy-backports but not in the default repository, so I think that the configuration itself is correct. Manually installing from backports using apt-get install git -t wheezy-backports
works too.
But how do I force Puppet to retrieve a package from wheezy-backports instead of the default repository? Specifically, I want to install git-1.9.1-1 which is in wheezy backports but
package { "git": ensure => "1:1.9.1-1~bpo70+2", }
package { "git": ensure => "latest", }
will only install the latest version from the default repository but not the newer backport version.
Please advise how to force Puppet to retrieve a specific package from the wheezy-backports repository.