Our server has been receiving abuse reports from Hotmail, because of an auth-failure. One of our sending servers has been blacklisted and Hotmail is refusing delisting. We have investigated a lot, and maybe the error on the SPF record might be the cause. But Hotmail isn't providing any userfull feedback, apart from 'abuse reports' on another (non-blacklisted) server.
Feedback-Type: auth-failure
User-Agent: XMR/2.2
Version: 1.0
Original-Mail-From: <civibounces@sp.nl>
Arrival-Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 22:49:33 -0700
Message-ID: <20150930054907.CCF531814A5@dccivicrm.sp.nl>
Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=permerror (sender IP is; identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) smtp.mailfrom=civibounces@sp.nl; dkim=none (identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) header.d=sp.nl; x-hmca=none header.id=ledendag@sp.nl
Reported-Domain: sp.nl
DKIM-Domain: sp.nl
But when I test the SPF record (http://tools.bevhost.com/spf/), the combination appears to be valid. So I'm wondering if these are false positives by Hotmail, or if there is something else I'm overlooking.
The diagnostic tool appears to find two(?) identical SPF records:
v=spf1 ip4: ip4: a mx a:mail.sp.nl a:listserver.sp.nl a:aegir.sp.nl a:www.sp.nl a:mail1.parlement.nl a:mail2.parlement.nl ip4: ~all