When attempting to do a zone transfer with MaraDNS 2.0.13, I'm getting the following in the logs:

Sep 29 00:50:24 ns1 maradns.etc_maradns_mararc:  Log: Message received, processing<br>
Sep 29 00:50:24 ns1 maradns.etc_maradns_mararc: Query from: XX.XX.XX.XX Udomain.com.<br>
Sep 29 00:50:24 ns1 maradns.etc_maradns_mararc:  Log: Bad query received: \260\346\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\013<11 character domain>\003com\000\000\374\000\001<br>
Sep 29 00:50:24 ns1 maradns.etc_maradns_mararc: From IP: XX.XX.XX.XX<br>
Sep 29 00:50:24 ns1 maradns.etc_maradns_mararc:  Log: not_impl in proc_query<br>

The zoneserver process is running and listening on port 53, and the appropriate fields in the MaraDNS config file (tcp_convert_acl, zone_transfer_acl, etc.) are set properly, and the querying servers' IPs are included in zone_transfer_acl. MaraDNS has worked really well for me for several years, but this is the first time I've had to set it up for zone transfers. I get the same result from my secondary DNS provider, "dig axfr", and even from MaraDNS's own fetchzone tool.

I'd really rather not move off of Mara, so does anyone have any ideas where else to look to solve this issue?

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