
Im having a really hard time configuring cloudflare properly so any help is much appreciated.

I have a web application that creates a unique database for each user, example :

the application is installed on example.com. Once the user user1 signs up, its login url will be user1.example.com you can see an example of what I'm talking about if you open an account on www.activecampaign.com

Now the issue is that once I set up cloudflare DNS example.com is working, I have a forum on a subdomain forum.example.com which is working as well because I've added an A recored for that subdomain on cloudflare but user1.example.com is not working

Don't tell me to add an A record for user1.example.com because user1 is not a subdomain. The app just create a unique database for each user same like the activecampaign app does.

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1 Answers1


If you want people to use a URL like that to log in, you need to add a wildcard record:

*.example.com IN A $your_server
*.example.com IN AAAA $your_server

DNS works this way regardless of what services you are using or what you are using them for. It is a subdomain (says the DNS standard, RFC1035) - it just isn't a different application in your case.

You could also potentially add A and AAAA records for each user, but that is awkward and will become unmanageable, and may allow for valid username discovery.

Falcon Momot
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  • Hi, First of all thank you for your replay I'm having *.example.com IN A my server Ip set up properly Without having cloudflare set up the website is working properly but when i enable cloudflare the user url is not working Please let me know how i can solve this issue Best, – Tom Sep 28 '15 at 18:51